In this article, antisocial behavior (ASB) was examined in children and youth according to Eysenck’s biosocial personality theory and it is also overview of his theory.
Eysenck’s theory composed of three traits which are Psychoticism (P), Neuroticism (N), and Extroversion (E) (it is also called three-factor model). Eysenck’s measurement instrument includes lie (L) scale that is used to show socialization and social conformity. Interaction of three temperament traits with socialization experiences produce personality. The traits are found across cultures worldwide and results of assessment of an individual are stable across time on traits in accordance with his theory. Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) is not measure psychopathology, measure temperament-based personality traits.
Extraversion: Low E High E
-Sociability - Social reticence
-Stimulation-seeking - Stimulation avoidance
-Low basal level - High basal level in the
in the neocortex neocortex
- Introverts-more responsive - Extroverts- less responsive
Neuroticism: Low N High N
-Reflection - Emotional instability
-Deliberateness - Spontaneity
- reacts slowly and - Susceptible to anxiety-based problems
moderately to most - quickly and easily aroused emotionally
emotional stimuli and the arousal is more persistent.
N (related with visceral brain activation)
Low both E and N more inhibition on their behavior
High both E and N less inhibition on their behavior greater risk for ASB
Psychoticism: Low P High P
-Empathy - Aggressiveness
-Caution - Divergent thinking
- Polygenic traits(contribution a large number of genes), low cortical arousal.
- Psychotic illness
If an individual have high P who can be diagnosed as Antisocial Personality Disorders, Schizotypal Personalities, Borderline personalities, Schizophrenia, can have also psychotic tendencies. Finally, individual with ASB have lower score than others on the EPQ’s lie scale. (Lower score means not to have a behavior socially desirable).
Hypothesis of Eysenck is that if the individual has higher than average levels of the P, E, and N traits and lower scores on the L scale will be associated with ASB.
Study applied on between a group with ASB and a contrast group on one or more of the components in Eysenck’s ASB hypothesis.
Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) (H. Eysenck & S. Eysenck, 1975), Eysenck Personality Questionnaire–Revised (EPQ–R) (H.Eysenck & S. Eysenck, 1994), or the Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (JEPQ) (H. Eysenck & S. Eysenck, 1975) is used in this study.
Findings of study indicate that strong support was found for P trait of ASB hypothesis and we can say that P trait is directly link to ASB. Moderate support was found for Lie scale. It shows us if lie scale is low that may not demonstrate whether individual have predisposition to develop ASB. Little support was found for E and N scale scores in participants with ASB.
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