The aim of this study is, seeing the relation between personality characteristics which are defined by Five-Factor model and being religiousness. In order to assess it, for the personality the Dutch form of NEO- PI-R personality inventory, for the god image Dutch form of Questionnaire God Image, for the depressive symptoms Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, were applied to 53 older mainline church members (aged 68-93) in Sassenheim in Netherlands. Some other variables such as religious affiliation, church attendance, and frequency of prayer and physical health were also evaluated.
Some of the personality characteristics of Five-Factor Model were found related to God Image. Neuroticism found correlated with two type of a negative God image which are feeling anxiety and discontent to God, but again negative image of God which are ruling and punishing were not found correlated with Neuroticism. Agreeableness was found correlated with God image, in a term of perceiving God as supportive and frequency of praying, however but it was not found correlated with positive feelings to God.
Because of it was thought that relation between personality and God image can be influenced by depressive mood, it was also evaluated separately. But, results showed that, association between Neuroticism and anxiety toward God were found inconclusive. However, relation between Neuroticism and feelings of anxiety were found parallel to feelings of discontent towards God. Although they both show a way of feeling, the difference between them is, feelings of anxiety is seem as humility or guilt, feeling of discontent is seem anger or feeling abandoned by God. Having anger and anxiety are seem to be very close each other, especially when a person experience fearful dependency in a relationship in a term of psychodynamic point. But, it can be also argued that while the dependency leads to fear of being separated, the existence of dependency may cause narcissistic humiliation and feelings of anger.
Consequently, this study supports the relation between some personality characteristic and affective dimension of religiousness in old age.
Braam A. W., Mooi B., Jonker J. S., Tilburg W., Deeg D. J. H. (2008). God image and Five-Factor Model personality characteristics in later life: A study among inhabitants of Sassenheim in The Netherlands. Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 11, 547-559.
Makaleyi özetleyen: Merve Feyizoğlu
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