This article talks about how Erik Erikson’s career fell after being famous in psycho analysis in the 1970s. Although Erikson respected and followed Sigmund Freud, He did disagree with what Freud described as a model of men; saying man as a creature is half a beast and half human. Erikson thought for man was totally different. His concept on human nature was that between culture and self. He believed human development was not just biologically determined, but rather some part of human development was affected by biology but not all of it. He totally disagreed with Freud on the idea of projecting human to an angry beast.
In the early 60s, Erikson felt that the “theory of conscience” developed by Freud was not sufficient, especially in early childhood (Oedipus complex). For Freud conscience was divided into two parts; the super ego and ego. He noted that super ego was related to Oedipus complex and ego was connected to narcissism. Erikson wanted to connect two concepts in a single term, superego, ego being the positive conscience and the superego as the negative conscience.
Erikson developed an adolescence crisis when he was growing up, this might be because he never knew his real father and his mother lied to him all along, but this helped him understand the crisis and conflicts of adolescence and youth.
Makaleyi özetleyen: Thokozani K. M. Mbewe
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