In this research, we focused on psychosocial development in adulthood. First, Erikson developed a theory which called it psychosocial stages. In Erikson’s theory, eight stages of development unfold as we go through the life span. James Marcia hypothesized that identity development involves two steps. First, the adolescent must break away from childhood beliefs to explore alternatives for identity in a particular area. Second, the adolescent makes a commitment as to their individual identity in that area. Marcia identified four "Identity Statuses" to describe the process of identity development. In this article, while we are measure the development of psychosocial stages, we will focus on different positions such as “intimacy”, “generativity”, and “integrity.”
Orlofsky, Marcia and Lesser (1973) said that intimacy crisis have five components: Intimate individual establish and maintain the love relationship. Pre-intimate individual offers love without obligations. Stereotyped individual tend to establish relation generally with same sex. The pseudointimate person is maintaining attachment with the relation, but that is not real. Finally, isolate relationship has no communication with others.
Bradley proposes five styles of generativity, defined on the two basis of variable: involvement and inclusivity. Involvement is primarily a behavioral indicator of generativity. Inclusivity addresses the scope of one’s generative concerns. On the basis of two criterion variables, the following generativity statuses have been defined: Generativite; involvement in both self and others is high, and inclusivity of both and others is high. Agentic; involvement in self is high, while involvement with others is low; inclusivity of others is low whereas inclusivity of the self is high. Communal; involvement with the self is low, whereas involvement with others is high; inclusivity of self is low while inclusivity of others is high. Conventional; involvement with self is high, whereas involvement with others is low; inclusivity of both self and others is low. Stagnant; involvement with both self and others is low, inclusivity of both self and others is low.
Integrity statuses developed by Hearn and operationalized two dimensions of ego integrity: Perspective which is the detachment or the capacity to put aside personal views and Connectedness which is the vital involvement, deep and meaningful engagement with family, friends, and community. On the basis of these two dimensions, four integrity statuses have been postulated: Integrated; people who are knowledgeably committed to actions, values, and ideals, with a sense of continuity in their lives, present, past and future. Nonexploratory; people who are partially integrated, committed to a narrow scope of activities but not particularly knowledgeable regarding alternatives. Pseudointegrated; people are who are also partially integrated but lack a depth of commitment to actions, ideals, and values as well as to others. Despairing; people who are not committed to current viable courses of action, ideals, or values and have little life satisfaction.
During late adolescence, people who are at foreclosure and moratorium stage, they may become identity achieved. On the other hand Orlofsky researched relationship between the intimacy and identity. As a result of him research, identity achievement and moratorium people get higher intimacy status than foreclosure and diffusion people. At young adulthood, some stereotyped persons may get more relational experience, and might be expected to become intimate or get close relation with others. Most pre-intimate persons could be expected to become intimate unless they meet with terrible relationship experiences. Finally, people who are at middle age with the pseudogenerative statuses, vthey might become generative.
Marcia, J.E., (2002). Identity and Psychosocial Development in Adulthood. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 2(1), 7-28
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