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25 Ekim 2010 Pazartesi

Makale Özeti: Associations between the Five-Factor Model of Personality and Health Behaviors Among College Students

The aim of article is measuring the relationship between five factor model and health behaviors among college students. In order to measure it, students were invited to participate in the survey via an e-mail message in mid-October 2006 in the northeastern United States.
There were 583 college students and they were wanted to complete the American College Health Association–National College Health Assessment and the International Personality Item Pool Big Five short-form questionnaire. The ACHA-NCHA survey consists of 240 questions which are assessing the health behaviors such as health education, alcohol and cigarette using, sex behaviors, exercise and mental and physical health. The IPIP survey consists 2,000 items which are measuring personality characteristics.
As a result, it was found that, conscientiousness was most associated item with a health- promoting lifestyle. Participants who were more likely to be high conscientious, also more likely to wear seat bealts , get enough sleep, utilize alcohol and consume fruits and vegetables. Also, highly conscientious participants were less likely to smoke cigarettes, consume alcohol, and being drunk. It can be also said that conscientious individuals may be highly socialized to follow rules such as wearing seat belts and not consuming alcohol before reaching the legal age. We can also interpret that, conscientious individuals are trying to prevent future risk of such as developing cardiovascular disease and cancer by adopting regular exercise and eating fruits and vegetables which means by showing planning behaviors.
Participants high in extraversion were more likely to engage in several deleterious health behaviors which includes increased cigarette smoking, alcohol use. They were also more likely to increased number of sexual partners, and decreased amount of getting enough sleep.
Although it was not found a significant association between neuroticism & agreeableness and health behaviors, it was reported that high in neuroticism smoked more cigarettes and were less likely to get enough sleep to feel rested. And, individuals high in agreeableness reported decreased being drunk, and decreased number of sexual partners increased use of alcohol, and decreased number of sexual partners.
When we look to last item which is openness, it was predicted increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, but it was not found a significant relation between openness and personality characteristics.

Although being extraverted and conscientious were found related with healthy behaviors, it can be concluded that, personality dimensions plays a minimal role in most of the healthy behaviors among college students.
Finally, although earlier studies examined personality traits and health behaviors individually, this is the first study conducted with US college students that examines the complete FFM of personality and a wide range of preventive and risky health behaviors.

Raynor D. A., & Levine H. (2009). Associations between the Five-Factor Model of Personality and Health Behaviors Among College Students. Journal of American College Health, 58, 73-81.

Makaleyi İngilizce'den özetleyen: Merve Feyizoğlu

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